Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) a Navratna Defence Public Sector Undertaking (DPSU) is a leading electronics player in the country while also retaining a global presence. The company not only manufactures systems for defence applications but also for the civilian market.
The firm makes over 350 products, which include radars and communication systems. Known to manufacture some of the most advanced radars in the world has also demonstrated high class efficiency in producing top end electronic systems acknowldeged by BEL’s international partners partners including the Israeli Aerospace Industry (IAI).
One of BEL’s strong points is its Research and Development (R&D) prowess. The company has also stepped up of late to become a strong pillar of ‘Aatmanirbharta’ in defence, a policy favoured by the government and the three armed forces.
In keeping with the need to encourage an Indian defence ecosystem, BEL has started working with many startups in the country, helping them with resources, technical know-how and finances. Interestingly, it is one of the key architects behind initiatives such as Innovation in Defence Excellence (IDEX).