DRDO’s Lightest Bullet Proof Jacket To Counter Level 6 Threat

Bullet Proof

Bullet proof jackets were a sore experience for the Indian army, a decade back. The biggest complaint was the jacket’s weight which restrained a soldier’s mobility, substantially. It was a cumbersome item to wear when on duty as a part of a road opening party in J&K. However, things have taken a different shape altogether, now. Much lighter, but more tensile jackets are being produced today, a large number of them by the private industry. DRDO’s progress in literally ensuring that our soldiers are not overburdened by the gear they wear, is also commendable.

DRDO’s Defence Materials and Stores Research and Development Establishment (DMSRDE), Kanpur has successfully developed the lightest Bullet Proof Jacket in the country for protection against 7.62 x 54 R API (Level 6 of BIS 17051) ammunition. Recently, this bullet proof jacket was successfully tested at TBRL, Chandigarh as per BIS 17051-2018. This jacket is based upon new design approach, where novel material along with new processes have been used. The front Hard Armour Panel (HAP) of this jacket defeats multiple hits (06 shots) of 7.62 x 54 R API (Sniper rounds) in both ICW (In-conjunction with) and Standalone design. The ergonomically designed front HAP is made up of monolithic ceramic plate with polymer backing which enhances the wearability and comfort during the operation. The areal density of ICW Hard Armour Panel (HAP) and standalone HAP is less than 40 kg/m2 and 43 kg/m2 respectively.

Secretary Department of Defence R&D and Chairman DRDO has congratulated DMSRDE for the successful development of this lightest bullet proof jacket for protection against highest threat level. Beyond the pat that the leadership has given, the rank and file soldier will be the happiest man with a lesser load to carry.

Team Bharatshakti

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