Indian Army is Making Efforts to Achieve FICV Induction by 2026-27: Army Chief


Indian Army Chief General Manoj Mukund Naravane has said that Army is making efforts to push it’s 10 a year-old plan to acquire 2,600 future infantry combat vehicles for the Indian Army at a cost of around Rs 60,000 crore by 2026-27 and have held interactions with the stakeholders on progressing the procurement case expeditiously. Chief said a fresh RFI stands prepared already which will be shared with the industry in some time from now. Army wants the FICVs to replace its Russian-origin BMP-2 infantry combat vehicles. Tata Motors, L&T, Mahindra, Reliance Defence are some of the private firms that have shown interest in the development of FICV for the Indian Army. Read More…

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