India’s Chandrayaan 2 is Creating the Highest Resolution Map We Have of the Moon


India’s space organization, ISRO, launched Chandrayaan 2 to the Moon last year in July. While its lander Vikram crashed on the lunar surface on September 7, the Chandrayaan 2 orbiter continues to orbit the Moon.

The Chandrayaan 2 orbiter hosts an extensive set of instruments to map the Moon and now we get a peek at the data it has sent.

ISRO scientists had submitted a raft of initial results from the orbiter’s mapping instruments to present at the flagship 51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in March. This is an annual conference hosted in the United States where more than 2000 planetary scientists and students from across the world attend and present their latest work. However, due to concerns about the Novel Coronavirus, the conference has been cancelled. Read More…

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