Russia Delays Delivery of S-400 Air Defence Missile to India till 2026

Russia, Air Defence Missile, India

India had signed a deal with Russia for over Rs 35,000 crore for five S-400 air defence missile squadrons. It has already received three squadrons Russia, however the balance two squadrons are expected to be delivered only by 2026, now. As per the original contract, the deliveries were to be completed by 2024.

Since the start of the Russia-Ukraine war, the Russian defence production has been preoccupied with fulfilling its own military needs., Russia’s global arms supply has, in the bargain,  suffered serious disruptions.

According to reports, the Indian Air Force has activated the three S-400 air defence missile squadrons and deployed them at the northern and eastern sectors opposite China and Pakistan. The S-400 missile squadrons greatly enhance India’s current air defence capabilities.

The S-400 air defence missile system is a surface-to-air missile (SAM) air defence system developed by Almaz Central Design Bureau of the Russians. The research and development of missile systems started in the 1980s and was tested in the late 90s. Due to technical issues, its deployment was delayed till 2007, when it was finally approved for service.

Typically, the system consists of launcher vehicles and command posts. The S-400 system is integrated with a multifunction radar with autonomous detection and targeting systems. The operational range of the missile is 400 km and it can simultaneously engage multiple targets. 

It is considered one of the best missile systems in the world and compares with the Israeli American systems. The S-400 air defence missile has proved its efficiency in Syria and the Ukraine-Russia war. It can contest multiple systems to include enemy aircraft, missiles, drones and glide systems. It enables attempts at creating air superiority in a specified combat space. The system is also in use for the air defence of Moscow. 

India is developing a long-range mobile surface-to-air missile system ‘Project Kusha’, by the Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO).

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