Almost four years on from the MiG-35’s first flight, there’s no sign of the hoped-for large-scale orders for the warplane from the Russian Defense Ministry. The Fulcrum-F — described by the manufacturer as a “Gen 4++” fighter — had been slated to begin frontline squadron service around mid-2020, but to date, Russia has purchased only six examples.Read more…
भारत-किर्गिझस्तान यांच्यातील विशेष संयुक्त लष्करी सरावाला सुरूवात
भारत - किर्गिझस्तान दरम्यान होणाऱ्या खंजर या विशेष संयुक्त लष्करी सरावाच्या 12व्या आवृत्तीला आजपासून म्हणजे 10 मार्चपासून सुरूवात झाली असून तो 23 मार्च 2025...