Pipers of Naya Hybrid Pakistan By Lt Gen P R Shankar (Retired)


The Strategy of Pied Pipers
The space between the ears of the hybrid Pakistani establishment is occupied by the Kashmiri demon which goes by the name of “Abrogation of Article 370”. The Indian political rapier has cut hard and cut deep. The “Deep State” does not seem to have recovered from it. However, its shocked silence conveys a lot. Its standard options of promoting violent reprisals in the Valley through its sword arm (ISI) and its surrogates (JEM, LET etc) seem to be off the table presently. It is waiting to unleash them once restrictions are gradually eased in the Valley. Of course, they will be morphed as local “independence” enterprises for which they are giving moral support. Till then the Pied Pipers of the Deep State threaten with the other option – nuclear holocaust. The problem with this hybrid formulation is that before embarking on a nuclear option some conventional option must be gone through, in which they get defeated. Afterall if you are winning why would you use the nuke? Back to the nuke on defeat. Using a nuke is hara-kiri. The international community and India will then ensure that Pakistan as we know now will end. That also means that Pakistan as an Army with a State is finished. It means milking the state is out. Corner plots are out. Farms are out. Military businesses are out. Swiss bank accounts are out. Power is out. Historic ignominy is in. For perpetuity. Too much at stake for the Deep State. So?Read More…

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