About Us

Mission Statement

Pursuit of indigenization in defence production and extending frontiers of domestic technology.


  • One-stop access to all relevant aspects of Indian Defence Industry (IDI)
  • News, views, debates and discussions related to IDI
  • Highlight niche capabilities
  • Comprehensive information of existing defence production facilities
  • Information on business opportunities
  • Information on technology related issues


Nitin A. Gokhale, one of South Asia's leading Strategic Analysts, is a renowned author, media trainer and founder of a specialised defence-related website BharatShakti.in, focused on supporting and encouraging India’s quest for self-reliance in defence.

After working for 32 years as a media practitioner across print, web and broadcast mediums, in December 2014, he decided to become a full-time author and part-time media entrepreneur.

Author of six books so far on insurgencies, wars and conflicts, he is a popular speaker and resource person at various seminars and symposiums on civil-military relations, insurgency/terrorism and military-media relations.

​His latest book, Securing India The Modi Way, detailing the security policies of the Modi government published in September 2017, is now a best seller.

Apart from being an author, Gokhale is visiting faculty at the National Defence College, the Army, Air Force and Naval War Colleges, the Defence Services Staff College, the College of Defence Management and the IB's Intelligence School.​

During his three decades plus media career, Gokhale has lived in and reported from India’s north-east for 23 years focusing on different insurgencies there, has covered the 1999 Kargil conflict between India and Pakistan and has also reported from Sri Lanka the Eelam War IV besides extensive writing on

​Left Wing Extremism, ​China, United States and South Asian security affairs.

In his last job with NDTV’s Security and Strategic Affairs Editor, Gokhale was in charge of reporting on the Prime Minister’s Office, the Defence Ministry and the Home Ministry. He now appears on National Television as a commentator and writes regular columns on popular websites besides running his own blog, NewsWarrior.


Neelanjana Banerjee - Head of Communications 
Neelanjana Banerjee is a Broadcast Media Specialist with over 17 years of cross-media experience in designing and producing content for television, radio and online media. Having held a wide range of roles in various aspects of electronic media, she has successfully executed the launch of media projects in India as well as Bangladesh.
She is a multifaceted professional and has an in-depth and hands on experience in broadcast content, programming, media production, channel / product launch, TV and radio skills training and online content.
She has also been a news and programming anchor on national television and is a corporate anchor too. Recently, she has forayed into film-making and has made a couple of documentaries on poverty alleviation of the urban and rural poor. Neelanjana was awarded the Chevening Gurukul fellowship in Leadership & Excellence from King's College, London in 2016.

Ravi Shankar - Associate Editor  
Ravi Shankar has over two decades of experience in communications, print journalism, electronic media, documentary film making and new media.
He makes regular appearances on national television news channels as a commentator and analyst on
current and political affairs. Apart from being an acknowledged Journalist, he has been a passionate newsroom manager bringing a wide range of journalistic experience from past associations with India’s leading media conglomerates (Times of India group and India Today group) and had led global news-gathering operations at world’s biggest multimedia news agency- ANI-Reuters. He has covered Parliament extensively over the past several years. Widely traveled, he has covered several summits as part of media delegation accompanying the Indian President, Vice President, Prime Minister, External Affairs Minister and Finance Minister across Asia, Africa and Europe.
 Rohit Pandita - New Technology and Social Media Manager
Rohit is armed with a Masters degree in Convergent Journalism from MCRC, Jamia Millia Islamia. He is proficient in handling the various aspects of electronic and online media.
He is adept at Premier Pro CC and FCP editing software. He has worked on all kinds of DSLR cameras and single mirror cameras.
He is also an avid photojournalist.
Brig S K Chatterji (Retd) - Editor
He was commissioned into the Regiment of Artillery after having graduated from the Indian Military Academy. A graduate of Defence Services Staff College, and Senior Command course at the Army War College, he commanded a medium artillery regiment in high altitude area, an artillery brigade in deserts, and a Corps artillery brigade in intense counter insurgency environment in Kashmir Valley.
A prolific writer, the officer has written a book: Vintage Guns of India.
Recently, he has co-authored the book: Home of the Brave. History of Rashtriya Rifles.

He has a chapter in the book: Know India Better; a chapter in another book yet to be published.

He has over 300 articles on various subjects in newspapers and military magazines in India, US, Canada, Singapore and Hong Kong.

He has also, edited the book: The Guardsman; and drafted the Regiment of Artillery History.

Captain DK Sharma VSM, an Executive officer of Indian Navy is a specialist in Navigation & Direction (ND). Had the privilege of navigating two frontline Kashin class Guided Missile Destroyers, incl one during Kargil conflict {Op Vijay}. Was fortunate to command a Mine Counter Measure Vessel (MCMV) and Pilotless Target Aircraft Squadron. An aluminus of DSSC Wellington, he found his calling as the Spokesperson of Indian Navy. In chair for almost a decade, the officer handled media and public relations including image building for Indian Navy. Awarded Visisth Seva Medal (VSM) by the President of India in 2016 for meritorious service, he retired in Aug 2019 after a glorious innings spanning 32 years.


Company's Registered Office: 2 B / 1, Taj Apartments, R K Puram Sector XII, off Rao Tula Ram Marg, New Delhi - 110022
For editorial and contributor queries: info@bharatshakti.in

Editorial Policy

  1. 1. Introduction

    The purpose of the Editorial Policy is to assist the portal to provide content which fulfills its function and responsibilities. The Cardinal Rule set out BharatShakti’s approach to each issue, and is self regulatory in setting a benchmark for the website’s content. The Practices that are to be applied flows from the Cardinal Rule that BharatShakti adopts as integral to its editorial policy.
    BharatShakti is conscious that its dual obligations – for accountability and quality – can in practice interact in complex ways. The Practices are to be applied in ways that maintain independence and integrity, preserve trust and do not unduly constrain journalistic ethics.

  2. 2. Independence, Integrity & Responsibility

    2.1 Cardinal Rule
    As a website, we aim to be the most trusted source of all information pertaining to the Indian Defence Industry (IDI). Independence and responsibility are inseparable. The Editor-in-Chief has ultimate editorial powers and responsibilities for diligence and discharge in compliance with the Cardinal Rule.
    Managing Online Content
    BharatShakti shall be responsible for the following:
    • Creation of content and a strategy for the management of the portal
    • Frequency of updation of the pages
    • Treatment of pages if not updated
    • Mentioning dates of first publication of content and their subsequent updation
    Unless specified of availability for a limited time period, it can be presumed that material published online will become part of accessible archive and will not normally be removed.
    When a material change is made to content, it will be informed to readers / viewers, unless there are legal and editorial reasons not to do so.
    2.2 Practices
    Maintain the independence and integrity of BharatShakti.
    Exercise BharatShakti’s editorial control over the content it publishes or broadcasts.
    Ensure that editorial decisions are not improperly influenced by political, sectional, commercial or personal interests.
    External activities of individuals undertaking work for the portal must not undermine the independence and integrity of its editorial content.
    The Editor-in-Chief will exercise editorial independence as authorised and accept responsibility for it. The editorial staff, when in doubt about an editorial matter, will refer it up to the next senior person.
    The concept of editorial justification recurs throughout the editorial policy and is central to the application of our values and Practices. It is a judgement on the particular circumstance of each case, balancing the editorial purpose of our output with their impact on our readers / audiences.

  3. 3. Accuracy

    3.1 Cardinal Rule
    BharatShakti is duty bound to ensure that the gathering and presentation of news and information is accurate according to the recognised Practices of objective journalism. Credibility depends heavily on factual accuracy. Types of fact-based content include news and analysis of current events, documentaries, interviews, etc. BharatShakti requires that reasonable efforts must be made to ensure accuracy in all fact-based content.
    Our accuracy standard applies to assertions of fact, not to expressions of opinion. An opinion, being a value judgement or conclusion, cannot be found to be accurate or inaccurate in the way facts can. The accuracy standard requires that opinions be conveyed accurately, in the sense that quotes should be accurate and any editing should not distort the meaning of the opinion expressed. Inaccuracies may lead to unfairness. The efforts reasonably required to ensure accuracy will depend on the circumstances. Sources with relevant expertise may be relied on more heavily than those without. Eyewitness testimony carries more weight than second-hand accounts. The passage of time or the inaccessibility of locations or sources can affect the standard of verification reasonably required. BharatShakti would make reasonable efforts, appropriate in the context, to verify accuracy, for example by querying interviewees, supplementing the partly right and correcting the plainly wrong.
    3.2 Finding Contributors
    Contributors sometimes try to impose conditions before engaging. BharatShakti will not give up editorial control. Contributors must perceive that BharatShakti staff can ask questions so that the audience / viewers can get a fair and accurate story.
    Checks shall be made for the credentials of contributors. One or more member of the team will use a combination of the following:
    • Documentary evidence to validate identity and story
    • Corroboration from people other than those suggested by the contributor
    • Self declaration of personal information
    3.3 Practices
    Make reasonable efforts to ensure that material facts are accurate and presented in context.
    Do not present factual content in a way that will materially mislead the audience. In some cases, this may require appropriate labels or other explanatory information.
    BharatShakti expects that content generated and submitted by individuals and organisations will meet the its standard of accuracy. However, where BharatShakti is satisfied that it is appropriate to do so, it may decline to publish or broadcast, or may edit, remove, correct or clarify content generated by public participants that contains error or is otherwise false, misleading or harmful. Content submitted by individuals and organisations which reflect a bias will not necessarily be rejected for publishing in BharatShakti. BharatShakti recognises that a robust debate is an integral part of a democratic community.

  4. 4. Corrections & Clarifications - Accountability

    4.1 Cardinal Rule
    BharatShakti is accountable to its audience / viewers. All errors will be openly acknowledged, a culture of willingness to learn from mistakes will be practiced.
    A commitment to accuracy includes a willingness to correct errors and clarify ambiguous or otherwise misleading information. We strive for swift correction, especially since content can be quickly, widely and permanently disseminated. Corrections and clarifications contribute to achieving fairness and impartiality.
    4.2 Practices
    Acknowledge and correct or clarify, in an appropriate manner as soon as reasonably practicable: a) significant material errors that are readily apparent or have been demonstrated; or b) information that is likely to significantly and materially mislead.

  5. 5. Impartiality & Diversity of Perspective

    5.1 Cardinal Rule
    BharatShakti has a statutory duty to ensure that the presentation of news and information is impartial according to the recognised Practices of objective journalism. Aiming to equip audiences to make up their own minds is consistent with our basic philosophy. A democratic society depends on diverse sources of reliable information and contending opinions.
    BharatShakti is guided by these hallmarks of impartiality: a) a balance that follows the weight of evidence; b) fair treatment; c) open-mindedness
    BharatShakti aims to create and present content created by its own staff, generated by audiences and commissioned or acquired from external content-creators. Impartiality does not require that every perspective receives equal attention, nor that every facet of every argument is presented.
    5.2 Practices
    Gather and present news and information with due impartiality.
    Present a diversity of perspectives so that, over time, significant strands of thought or belief within and beyond the community finds expression.
    Do not misrepresent any perspective.

  6. 6. Fair and Honest Dealing

    6.1 Cardinal Rule
    Fair and honest dealing is essential to maintaining trust with audiences / viewers and with those who participate in or are otherwise directly affected by BharatShakti content.
    6.2 Practices
    Participants in the portal’s content should normally be informed of the general nature of their participation.
    Where allegations are made about a person, organization or policy, make reasonable efforts in the circumstances to provide a fair opportunity to respond.
    Where a source seeks anonymity, do not agree without first considering the source’s motive and any alternative attributable sources.
    Do not misrepresent another’s work as your own.
    Assurances given in relation to conditions of participation, use of content, confidentiality or anonymity must be honoured except in rare cases where justified in the public interest.
    Secret recording devices must not be used to obtain or seek information, audio, pictures or an agreement to participate, unless consent is obtained from the subject, or identities are effectively obscured.
    A senior BharatShakti person designated for the purpose must approve in advance, having consulted legal options, any proposal to broadcast or publish without attribution information that forms the basis of a report and the portal is to be committed to protect the identity of the source of the information. (TO BE SEEN BY LEGAL TEAM)

  7. 7. Privacy

    7.1 Cardinal Rule
    Privacy is necessary to human dignity and every person reasonably expects that their privacy will be respected. But privacy is not absolute. BharatShakti seeks to balance the public interest in respect for privacy with the public interest in disclosure of information.
    7.2 Practices
    Intrusion into a person’s private life without consent must be justified in the public interest and the extent of the intrusion must be limited to what is proportionate in the circumstances.

  8. 8. Harm and Offence

    8.1 Cardinal Rule
    BharatShakti publishes comprehensive and innovative content that aims to inform and educate a niche audience. Innovation involves a willingness to take risks, invent and experiment with new ideas. This can result in challenging content which may offend some of the audience some of the time.
    8.2 Practices
    Content that is likely to cause harm or offence must be justified by the editorial context.
    Content on the portal except advertisements will not be with promotional intent of any parties.

  9. 9. Public Access and Participation

    9.1 Cardinal Rule
    BharatShakti provides opportunities for individuals and organisations to engage with the portal, its audiences and each other, consistent with BharatShakti’s purposes to inform, educate and encourage indigenous defence manufacturing. Public access and participation can take many forms, for example: audience members may question content and have debates.
    BharatShakti takes editorial responsibility in proportion to its control of the media environment in which it operates. It expects those who participate to also exercise responsibility for what they can control. In fostering engagement, BharatShakti seeks to maintain its independence and integrity, preserve trust and cultivate respect among participants.
    9.2 Practices
    Publication space would be provided to enable individuals or organisations to communicate directly with BharatShakti, the audience and each other, provided that: a) the content is relevant and suitable in the context in which it appears; b) BharatShakti maintains editorial control; and c) BharatShakti’s independence and integrity are maintained.
    Opportunities to participate must be administered fairly and respectfully.
    Do not knowingly mislead readers / audiences about the nature of the content.
    Clearly distinguish content generated and submitted to BharatShakti from content produced, commissioned or acquired by it.

  10. 10. Announcements about events and activities

    10.1 Cardinal Rule
    BharatShakti will publicise its own programs and service. It will provide information on events and activities of interest to the industry.
    10.2 Practices
    Ensure program promotions and announcements are produced, scheduled or published well in time for maximum outreach.
    Announcements about specific BharatShakti events or activities may be published or broadcast provided that: a) the product, service or activity is directly related to BharatShakti’s content; b) where the event or other activity involves sponsorship, details of the sponsor may be included depending up on the terms and conditions arrived at between BharatShakti and the sponsor.

  11. 11. Commercial References

    11.1 Cardinal Rule
    BharatShakti is a not-for-profit organisation. However, it will generate earnings to remain sustainable and finance all activities for running the website, while catering for reasonable reserves to ensure unhindered functioning. The pursuit of commercial interest by BharatShakti will be done without compromising its editorial independence and integrity.
    11.2 Practices
    References to trade names, brand names, and logos may be made provided that: a) the references are editorially relevant in the context; and b) BharatShakti’s editorial independence or integrity is not undermined.

  12. 12. Legal

    12.1 Cardinal Rule
    BharatShakti will abide by the legal provisions governing the functioning of such websites in India.
    12.2 Practices
    BharatShakti will function within the framework of Indian laws.
    BharatShakti will give primacy to ethical practices and democratic values.
    BharatShakti will respect regulatory mechanisms in place or evolved by recognized Indian journalistic bodies.
    BharatShakti will not be accountable for opinions of its contributors.
    All legal issues involving BharatShakti will need to be contested in the relevant courts in New Delhi.

©2024 Bharatshakti