CNS Visits Greece To Boost Naval Ties With Hellenic Navy

CNS, Greece Visit, Hellenic Navy
Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Dinesh K Tripathi

Navy Chief Admiral Dinesh K Tripathi embarked on a four-day visit to Greece on Thursday to strengthen naval ties with the Hellenic Navy. “This visit is part of ongoing efforts to further consolidate bilateral defence relations between India and Greece, focusing on enhancing naval cooperation,” said the Indian Navy.

During the visit, the CNS will engage in bilateral discussions with senior Greek defence officials, including Ioannis Kefalogiannis, Deputy Minister of Defence, Vice Admiral Dimitrios E Kataras, Chief of the Hellenic Navy General Staff (HGNS), and Vice Admiral Christos Sasiakos, Deputy Chief of Hellenic National Defence General Staff.

“The discussions are expected to cover a broad spectrum of defence cooperation areas, particularly maritime security, joint training initiatives, and exploring avenues for future operational collaboration between the two navies,” stated the release.

During his visit, the Navy Chief will tour Salamis Bay, the base of the Hellenic Naval Fleet, and the Hellenic Naval Academy. The Hellenic Navy plans to showcase Greece’s naval capabilities and training methods to the Chief of Naval Staff through demonstrations and visits to Hellenic naval assets.

The Chief of the Hellenic Navy will host the Indian CNS aboard the renowned Georgios AVEROF, the Hellenic naval museum ship, providing him with a glimpse into Greece’s rich maritime history and naval heritage.

This visit highlights the strong naval relations between India and Greece, including joint exercises, port visits, and capacity-building initiatives. Admiral Tripathi’s engagements in Greece are expected to further strengthen the bonds of friendship and cooperation between the two navies, ensuring enhanced collaboration in areas of mutual interest.

Team BharatShakti

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