Commandants’ Conclave Focuses On Developing Future Leaders Of Indian Armed Forces


The sixth edition of the Commandants’ Conclave, held at the Pune-based Military Institute of Technology (MILIT) on Tuesday, focused on defence strategies for developing future leaders of the Indian Armed Forces. The commandants of leading military training institutes discussed various aspects of military training and the future of war, with an emphasis on nurturing the next generation of Indian Armed Forces leadership.

The evolving nature of war, with the emergence of hybrid warfare, terrorism, and insurgency, has brought about significant changes in the roles and responsibilities of unit-level commanders. As a result, it has become crucial for future military leaders to receive appropriate training to deal with these new challenges. In order to bridge this gap, the armed forces are planning to focus on nurturing the next generation of leaders.

Senior military leaders, including the Commandants of armed forces’ training institutions and war colleges, gathered at a conclave to discuss and strategise on the development of future leaders within the Indian Armed Forces. The focus was on charting a course for future defence strategies that will nurture and prepare the upcoming generation of leaders.

At the conclave, commanders shared valuable insights, discussed best practices, and collaboratively strategized on how to build future-ready Forces. This event highlights the Indian Armed Forces’ unwavering dedication to ongoing improvement, innovation, and collaboration in the face of the ever-changing global landscape. It provided an open and welcoming space for dialogue and discussions, aimed at fostering a joint culture of learning and adoption of new technologies to train future leaders of the Armed Forces.

During the conclave, a wide range of key topics on strategic resilience, technological advancement, human capital development, interoperability, and jointness were not just discussed but deeply explored. These discussions aimed to harness innovation and technological advancement and leverage institutions’ best practices, ensuring world-class training at the AFTIs.

Vinay Chati, Pune

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