Evolving Dynamics Of Aerospace Power

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The Indian Air Force is on a transformative journey. The Centre For Air Power Studies on Tuesday organized the 16 th ‘Jumbo’ Majumdar International Seminar which discussed the future of air power.  The event was inaugurated by the Chief of the Air Staff Air Chief Marshal AP Singh. The event was also attended by former IAF Chief ACM VR Chaudhari (Retd) who chaired a session.

The Indian Air Force aspires to be a self-reliant force by the time the nation celebrates a centenary of being independent, in 2047. Various issues that would aid in the air force becoming a new-age force ranging from cyber security to utilizing space-based assets were discussed at the event. The event was attended by senior IAF officials, foreign dignitaries and members of various think tanks.

The event was to focuses chiefly on two themes. These two themes were Aerospace Power in Future Conflicts and Transformative Technologies in Aerospace Power. Various serving and retired officers from the Indian Air Force addressed various aspects of air power and technology at the event.

Drones were focused upon in fair degree of detail. Swarm drones and their effect on the battlefield cane in for scrutiny. Cyber operations, to include both offensive and defensive operations were discussed.

Lessons from ongoing conflicts such as the ones in Eastern Europe and West Asia were dwelt upon. An emphasis was also given to fifth and sixth generation fighter aircrafts in the region, implication of these fighters (used by other air forces in the region) on India and our country’s own fifth generation fighter aircraft.

An emphasis on niche technologies and their exploitation by the air force in particular and the armed forces in general was also a topic that garnered great interest. Various aspects such as quantum computing, directed energy weapons, manned-unmanned teaming, use of space-based assets to further tactical as well as strategic aims was also discussed amongst other topics.

Stealth came in for major interaction. The utility of stealth with missile ranges increasing to almost 300km was also debated. The need and importance of human intelligence with so much of technology available, was examined. The opinion veered towards retention and even bolstering of such resources.

Chinese fighter aircraft likely to fly the skies tomorrow, were analysed. Certain details of the Chinese J-35, J-36 and J-50 were reflected upon. The J-36 and J-50 are in the developmental stages. Keeping in view the growing progress of the Chinese air force, the Indian Air Force in addition to major issues like squadron strength, will have to focus on sensor fusion, maintenance issues, mix of different generations of aircraft in its inventory, stealth, and a host of other issues.

Three books focused on high-end technology and geo-politics were also launched at the event.

Team Bharartshakti

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