Export of SCOMET Items



The guidelines for export of SCOMET items concisely provide the various details required by all enterprises for smooth execution of export contracts where the items of export come under the preview of SCOMET.

The document provides a comprehensive list of SCOMET categories to include Special Chemicals, Organisms, Materials, Equipment and Technologies, though the detailed list of items has not been included to make the document more comprehensive.

The procedure for filing application for Export Licence for SCOMET items and the process adopted for processing of application for licence for export of SCOMET items have been explained in brief. Essentially, all applications for export are considered on a case-by-case basis. Certain issues that are given greater attention include the credentials of the end user, a risk assessment of the items falling in the hands of terrorists, non-state-actors etc., recipient state’s laws and such other issues that go to obviate/mitigate risks in the usage of the items concerned.

The guidelines also elucidate the process to be followed for licences to export items for display or exhibition abroad. Certain important issues have also been compiled under the head Advise to Exporters. The document also provides detailed guidelines for online submission of application (ANF2E) for SCOMET items.

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