Foreign Countries Eye Russia’s State-Of-The-Art Checkmate Light Fighter

MOSCOW REGION, RUSSIA – JULY 20, 2021: Unveiling a prototype of a Sukhoi Checkmate fifth-generation single-engine stealth fighter jet at the MAKS 2021 International Aviation and Space Salon, in the town of Zhukovsky. Sergei Fadeichev/TASS Ðîññèÿ. Ìîñêîâñêàÿ îáëàñòü. Æóêîâñêèé. Ìîäåëü íîâîãî ëåãêîãî òàêòè÷åñêîãî îäíîäâèãàòåëüíîãî èñòðåáèòåëÿ (ËÒÑ) â ïàâèëüîíå êîìïàíèè "Ñóõîé" Checkmate âî âðåìÿ ïðåçåíòàöèè íà îòêðûòèè Ìåæäóíàðîäíîãî àâèàöèîííî-êîñìè÷åñêîãî ñàëîíà ÌÀÊÑ-2021. Ñåðãåé Ôàäåè÷åâ/ÒÀÑÑ

Countries of the Middle East, Southeast Asia and Latin America have shown interest in Russia’s latest Checkmate single-engine fighter jet unveiled at the MAKS-2021 international air show, CEO of the United Aircraft Corporation (part of the state tech corporation Rostec) Yuri Slyusar told Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper on Friday.

“Partners from the Middle East, Southeast Asia and Latin America displayed interest in the new fighter [Checkmate] at the MAKS air show,” the chief executive said.

Russia’s new fighter integrates the latest technologies in military aircraft-building, he stressed. Read More…

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