India Approves 4th Positive Indigenisation List to Boost Domestic Sector


In yet another step towards making the domestic defence industry self-reliant, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) on May 14 approved a new list of 928 components and subsystems that will only be procured from domestic firms once import bans on them kick in over five-and-a-half years. The latest list is the fourth such list to be released. Termed a Positive Indigenisation List (PIL) comprises everything from line replacement units, subsystems and components used for various military platforms, equipment and weapons.

“To promote ‘Aatmanirbharta’ in defence and minimise imports by defence public sector undertakings, the Ministry of Defence has approved the fourth Positive Indigenisation List (PIL) of 928 strategically important line replacement units/subsystems/spares and components, including high-end materials and spares, with import substitution value worth Rs 715 crore,” the MoD said in a statement. Details of these items are available on SRIJAN Portal ( These will only be procured from the Indian Industry after the timelines indicated in the list. 

In an attempt to rely more on local manufacturing, put in place by the current government, the newest list aims to minimise imports by defence public sector undertakings (DPSUs). The year-long import bans timeline starts in December 2023 and will run through December 2028. Three lists were put out in December 2021, March 2022 and August 2022.

“These lists contain 2,500 items which are already indigenised and 1,238 (351+107+780) items which will be indigenised within the given timelines,” the statement adds. Of the 1,238 sets to be indigenised, 310 have already successfully been through the process. The Ministry said these items, which were already indigenised, comprised 262 from the first PIL, 11 from the second list and 37 from the third PIL. 

“The DPSUs will undertake indigenisation of these items through different routes under the ‘Make’ category and in-house development through the capabilities of MSMEs and private Indian industry, thereby providing impetus to the growth in the economy, enhanced investment in defence and reduction in import dependence of DPSUs,” the press release added. 

“In addition, this will augment the design capabilities of the domestic defence industry by involving academia and research institutions,” it further said. 

DPSUs will soon initiate procurement for the items on these lists, the government said. The industry may look for Expression of Interest (EoIs)/Request for Proposal (RFPs) on the Srijan Portal Dashboard ( specially designed for this purpose. The statement said it may come forward to participate in a large number.

Team BharatShakti

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