Manipur: Battle for Space Ignited by a Cauldron of Identity Crisis


The ongoing violent clashes in Manipur, triggered by a protest organised by the All-Tribal Student Union (ATSUM) in opposition to the Meiteis’ demand for Scheduled Tribe (ST) status, and the court order expose the divide between the hills and valley people. The Meitei community, which constitutes most of the state’s population and predominantly resides in the valley, is demanding inclusion in the ST category. However, this demand is fiercely opposed by the tribal communities residing in the hills, leading to continued unrest and conflict. This issue is not just a matter of categorization but a complex interplay of several factors that have long simmered beneath the surface, threatening to erupt at any moment. 

It is identity politics that is largely responsible for the situation. There is no space where the communities can come together as ‘Manipuris’, so there is no question of having conversations across the communities. It would require a great deal of statesmanship and commitment to build such a space. Ideological divergence exist between the communities in allowing any legislation passed for either of them, be it ST status to Meitei or ADC Bill 2021. Therefore, the solution also lies within. There must be an inclusive approach to the situation. The solution must consider the aspirations of all the stakeholders involved. 

Manipur is comprised of three communities Meitei, Kukis, and Nagas. These communities have been dwelling in this land for ages. However, each of them is sceptical about the origin and claim over the land. While Meiteis feel that Kukis and the Nagas are immigrants and have encroached on their lands while other two feel differently as their folklore says they have been in these lands for ages. The origins of each community are contested by others as there are no authenticated written records or history available to prove. The origins are primarily based on travelogues or the writings of British writers or their military history which has been and could be contested. The three communities- Meitei, Kuki, and the Naga have their historical verbal records passed down from tribe to tribe, and each is basing or staking a claim on the state, partially or wholly based on these. The so-called historical pieces of evidence have not found favour with either of the communities.

Bifurcation or trifurcation into present-day major communities must have taken place over a long period, but this transition is lost to history and is now claimed by each of them through their folklore.

Geographically and demographically, the Hills occupy almost 90% of the state area, but the Valley, with just 10% land, is home to almost 60% of the people. The Meitei occupy the valley portion while Nagas and the Kukis are in the hills. 

Historically speaking these communities have been together. The historical chronicles Pooyas do mention Kukis as far back as 33 CE(AD). Nagas, presumably part of the Mongoloid Tibetan Migration had settled down in present Nagaland, Ukhrul, Chandel, Senapati, and adjoining areas of Burma (now Myanmar). 


All three communities have been in Manipur traditionally. Meitei is the most populous one. These communities have been considered in the 6th schedule. The Meitei claimed that they were left out of the President’s Constitution (STs) Order, 1950. But the question is about the modification list in 1956 which was done based on the report of the Backward Classes Commission (BCC) chaired by Kaka Kalelkar. 

The Meitei were not denied or left out from the STs list as they claim – they chose not to be included. When the first BCC requested a list of tribes to be included in the Scheduled Tribes (modification) list from each state and union territory, Meitei did not include themselves

The Kukis and the Nagas have been demanding the hill development councils. All Tribal Student Union (ATSUM) had protested in December, 2021 over the f the government not passing the Manipur (Hill Areas) Autonomous District Council Bill, 2021. The valley-based organisations have opposed the bill on the grounds that it will create a greater divide within the state. The new bill proposed by the hill areas committee seeks to “repeal and replace” the 1971 law to ensure more autonomy to the hill areas committee and the tribal councils. “Despite several amendments to the Manipur (Hill Areas) District Councils Act, 1971,” the hill areas committee argues, “there are “deficiencies which resulted in disproportionate development between the areas of the hills and valley of Manipur over the years”. The bill wants greater autonomy and financial powers for the tribal councils. It also wants to increase the number of constituencies in each council from the existing 24 to 31. 

Manipur Land Revenue and Land Reform (MLRLR) Bill-2015, an amendment bill also added to the fire. 

The Manipur people are fiercely loyal to their tribes and communities which give them a sense of identity. The political movements seeking to realise the imagined political space of the elites outside the Indian Constitution resulted in the emergence of the vertical conflict between authorities and communities. The horizontal conflict was continuing.

Each community’s demand has had a “corresponding and conflicting effect” on the others and all three are interlinked through geographical, cultural, traditional, economic, and emotional space.

Conflicting Perceptions

Both the communities Hills and Valley-based have their point of view on each other’s constitutional provisions.

  • The hill tribes feel that Meiteis are already a majority community and have greater advantage than the hill tribes and will be even more benefited with ST status being accorded to them. Meitei language is already included in the 8th Schedule of the Constitution, and some sections of the Meitei community are already classified under Scheduled Castes (SC) or Other Backward Classes (OBC), which gives them access to certain opportunities. Kuki groups have claimed that the survey and eviction are a violation of Article 371C, which confers some administrative autonomy to the tribal-dominated hill areas of Manipur.
  • While the Meitei population believed that they have been denied their ancestral lands, grant of ST status would help protect their ancestral land, tradition, culture, and language, and safeguard them against outsiders.

Road to Peace
The solution lies with the communities and they must expolre it. All the claimants have an equal voice in the future of Manipur and they must exercise it. Holding the state at ransom will not see the light at the end of the tunnel. Who are the sufferers? The common man and the diaspora. The state has a role to play in the nation building and they are doing. The contributions of the state are unparalleled.

There is a need to empower local governance and meet the aspirations of the people. The following way forward is recommended

Constitute a high-powered committee comprising of representatives of all three stakeholders, a State representative, a center representative, a representative from civil society, and a few prominent personalities from the state to take a consensus decision on the following:

  • ST status to MeiteiManipur (Hill Areas) Autonomous District Council Bill, 2021
  • Manipur Land Revenue and Land Reform (MLRLR) Bill-2015, an amendment bill.
  • Valley-based Insurgent groups and all the Suspension of Operations agreement signatories to lay down arms and be part of the development of the state and participate in the political process as per the Indian constitution.
  • A more equal representation of all communities in the state legislative assembly.
  • The trust deficit between the Nagas, Kukis, and Meiteis remains one of the root causes of turbulence in Manipur. All the stakeholders are looking at political, economic, cultural space and acceptance by others.

Maj Gen VS Ranade (Retd)

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Maj Gen VS Ranade (Retd) 
Major General VS Ranade, is an alumnus of the National Defence Academy, Khadakwasla. He was commissioned into Regiment of Artillery in 1984. He commanded a Field Regiment, a Sector of Assam Rifles in Eastern Sector and a Mountain Division in Northern Sector. He retired from National Security Guards as Inspector General (Operations). He has a MPhil in defence and management studies and MPhil in Public administration. He has published articles on National and military strategic issues.


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