Modern Technology Pivotal To Countering Current Threats

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The nature of modern warfare has evolved phenomenally with the ingress of technology in the battlespace. To remain a potent force capable of decisive interventions, our defence establishment needs to review projects run by the academia in such disciplines as Space Technology, Cyber, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Robotics, Automation, Communications, and energy generation. Such a mandate echoed when Air Vice Marshal Dhananjay V. Khot (Retd) spoke at ICONS 2025 held at IIT Bombay. The gathering at this event included military experts, military professionals and researchers. The seminar also showcased innovations in technology, collaboration opportunities, and research work undertaken by the faculty IIT Bombay and defence sector startups.

Former army chief, Gen M Pandey (Retd) in his session highlighted the need for modern technology to counter current threats at the borders and beyond. He said, “In today’s times, it is not enough to only provide security at the borders; there is a greater need to protect the country from rapidly increasing cyber-attacks, hacking, and malware attacks.”

The solution to these issues lies in the realm of more research and better testing facilities. Reinforcing this approach, AVM DV Khot discussed RMA (Revolution in Military Affairs) and the efforts of Indian establishments involved in R&D. Highlighting the Indian Army’s ‘Road Map’ in the defence sector, AVM Khot said the way ahead involves allocating an increased budget for R&D. It also requires resource and facility sharing, fast-track approvals, and joint civil-military defence technology initiatives.

The ICONS – 2025 event, features a host of other seminars, such as Integrated Image Analysis for Target Identification and Geo-Spatial Tech for Military Operations. IIT Bombay has made significant contributions to several technology projects related to India’s defence sector. These include high-frequency X-ray power sources, naval equipment and reliability analyser software, High Energy Materials (HEM) synthesis, smart drones, and integrated mobility systems.

Professor Sachin Patwardhan Dean of R&D, IIT Bombay and Professor M Atre, Deputy Director (Academics, Research & Translation), IIT Bombay said that his organisation will collaborate with DRDO at various levels on more than a thousand projects. To foster dialogue and knowledge exchange among IIT Bombay professors, expert policymakers, and military officers, the two-day seminar is also a platform to discuss emerging security threats faced by the nation.

Aishwarya Parikh

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