Trump has said he would make the autonomous territory of Denmark a part of the United States, and has not ruled out using military or economic power to persuade Denmark to hand it over. Read more
उत्तर समुद्राच्या पाण्यातील सॅंडईल मासेमारीवरील ब्रिटनच्या बंदीचे EU-UK TCA उल्लंघन करते आहे की नाही यावर द हेग येथील कायमस्वरुपी लवाद न्यायालय युक्तिवाद ऐकेल. Read more
Robert Brieger, the top military official of the European Union, stated in an interview with Germany’s Welt am Sonntag that it would be sensible to station troops from EU countries in... Read more
युरोपियन युनियनच्या (EU) Schengen मुक्त-प्रवास क्षेत्राचे पूर्ण सदस्य होण्यासाठी रोमानिया आणि बल्गेरियाने बुधवारी आपापल्या सीमांवरील नियंत्रणे रद्द केली. हे दोन्ही देश अशा देशांच्या विस्ता... Read more
माजी पंतप्रधान इम्रान खान यांच्या अटकेनंतर 2023 मध्ये लष्करी सुविधांवर झालेल्या हल्ल्यांच्या संदर्भात 25 नागरिकांना शिक्षा सुनावल्याबद्दल पाकिस्तान लष्करी न्यायालयांना अमेरिका, ब्रिटन आणि यु... Read more
युरोपियन कमिशन रशिया आणि बेलारूसच्या सीमांवर पाळत ठेवण्यासाठी अधिक गुंतवणूक करणार असल्याचे संकेत बुधवारी दिले गेले आहे. युरोपियन युनियनमधील (EU) सदस्य देश “hybrid war” द्वारे सी... Read more
The European Commission will invest more in surveillance at the bloc’s borders with Russia and Belarus, it said on Wednesday, as it accused Russia of encouraging migrants over the bord... Read more
Russian President Vladimir Putin’s foreign intelligence chief said that Russia was close to achieving its war goals in Ukraine with Moscow holding what he said was the strategic initia... Read more
Russia destroyed or captured several Ukrainian positions near the eastern city of Pokrovsk, Kyiv’s military said on Wednesday, as Moscow bears down on the strategic logistics hub. Afte... Read more
Russia could launch another hypersonic ballistic missile in Ukraine in the coming days, the U.S. has warned. Washington does not however consider the Oreshnik weapon a game-changer in the wa... Read more