The Balakot Fallout- An Analysis by Lt Gen P R Shankar (Retd)

Image Courtesy: Indian Air Force

India crossed a Rubicon when it carried out its intelligence led pre-emptive non-military air strikes across the LOC and in Pakistani territory on the terrorist training camp at Balakot. It has set a standard of resolve and intent in dealing with the sub conventional threat conventionally irrespective of damage caused and Pakistani perception management in this operation. In one go it has shed the image of being a weak state and transformed into a power to reckon with. By striking surgically at an isolated target and ensuring that collateral damage is minimum either of civilian or military life and assets, it put Pakistani Army in an embarrassing position. The Deep State has responded aggressively unmindful of the consequences. The fall out is widespread. It needs to be understood to get the right perspective.Read More…

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