The Quiet Billionaires Behind America’s Predator Drone that Killed Iran’s Soleimani


t may be the most historic drone strike in history—last Friday an MQ-9 Reaper fired at least two Hellfire missiles at vehicles carrying Iranian Major General Qassem Soleimani, Iraqi militia leader Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis and their entourage upon arrival at Baghdad International Airport, according to news reports. The convoy was incinerated. Soleimani’s remains were only identifiable by a trademark ring with a red stone on his severed hand.

The Predator had struck again. Dollar for dollar and pound for pound, these $16 million, 2.5-ton drones, with a range of 1,200 miles and piloted half a world away, are among the most important weapons in America’s arsenal. Read More…

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