Saturday, March 1, 2025
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Home Authors Posts by ​P​rasanna Karthik R

​P​rasanna Karthik R

​P​rasanna Karthik R
Prasanna Karthik is a former consultant with the Government consulting practice of KPMG. Prasanna was also a Consultant to the Home Ministry, on the National Intelligence Grid (NATGRID) project He holds an Engineering Degree from the University of Madras and a Masters Degree in Human Resource Management from the Tata Institute of Social Sciences. Prasanna holds an admission to the Master in Public Administration program at Harvard University’s John F Kennedy School of Government.

‘मॉडर्न वॉर’चा सामना करण्यासाठी, भारताला आधुनिक तंत्रज्ञानाचीच गरज

IIT बॉम्बे आयोजित संरक्षण सेमिनार- 'ICONS 2025' चा आज शुभारंभ झाला. 'संरक्षण क्षेत्रासाठी आत्याधुनिक आणि वेगवान तंत्रज्ञान' अशी या दोन दिवसीय सेमिनारची थीम आहे....