CDS General Chauhan Releases Joint Doctrine For Amphibious Warfare


In a landmark event, Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) General Anil Chauhan released the Joint Doctrine for Amphibious Operations during the Chiefs of Staff Committee (COSC) meeting held today in New Delhi. The Doctrine is a keystone publication which will provide guidance to the Commanders for conduct of Amphibious Operations in today’s complex military environment.

The amphibious capability empowers the Armed Forces to conduct a multitude of operations in the Indian Ocean Region, both during war and peace. These operations are a crucial component of multi-domain operations and serve as the best example of the cohesion and integration amongst the Armed Forces. Following the release of Joint Doctrine for Cyberspace Operations, the Joint Doctrine for Amphibious Operations is the second Joint Doctrine released this year and it provides due focus on Jointness and Integration of Armed Forces in general and Amphibious Operations in particular.


Just last week, Gen Chauhan stressed the significance of jointness and discussed plans for improving integration across different domains during the first-ever Joint Commanders Conference (JCC), which was held in Lucknow. Defence Minister Rajnath Singh and top military brass finalised the ‘basic document’ for the proposed theatre commands, which are expected to be set up within a year.

Addressing the military’s top brass, the CDS emphasized that jointness and integration were crucial for adapting to the future warfare landscape and conducting effective operations.

According to the first draft of the ‘basic document’, which involves the most radical military reorganisation that the country will witness since independence, the Northern theatre command, focused on China, will be headquartered in Lucknow in Uttar Pradesh. Similarly, the Western command, focusing on Pakistan, will be based in Jaipur in Rajasthan. The maritime theatre command, responsible for operations in the Indian Ocean and India’s coastal territories, will be located in Thiruvananthapuram in Kerala.



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