National Security Day: A look at India’s 10 best defence-manufacturing companies


‘My India, My Pride’, goes a motto of the Indian armed forces. There have been tens of thousands of our brave soldiers who have laid down their lives, fighting our enemies. For our tomorrow, they sacrificed their today. The defence logistics and equipment that are provided to these soldiers also deserve to be hailed. A lot goes into manufacturing machinery and weapons for our soldiers. Infact, the state-owned and private-owned companies have a rich history. They have come a long way in establishing themselves in the enviable position that they are in today.

The defence logistics and equipment that are provided to these soldiers also deserve to be hailed. A lot goes into manufacturing machinery and weapons for our soldiers. Infact, the state-owned and private-owned companies have a rich history. They have come a long way in establishing themselves in the enviable position that they are in today.

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