In a farewell address at the end of his tenure in New Delhi on Tuesday, US Ambassador Kenneth Juster said that the US has cooperated with India to counter “aggressive” Chinese actions at the Line of Actual Control. This is the first time an official confirmed US-India cooperation over the ongoing eight-month-long border standoff between China and India, according to The Hindu on Tuesday.
The strengthened US-India military cooperation after the Galwan Valley clash in June is obvious. For one thing, India is receiving a lot of equipment from the US, including a number of assault rifles for the special forces as well as the SIG Sauer assault rifles for the infantry troops. For another, the Indian Army received the initial consignment of extreme cold weather clothing from the US for its troops deployed on the border, the ANI reported in November. It’s also been reported that the two countries have gotten closer in recent months with intelligence sharing, particularly related to the situation at the China-India border. Read more…