In a tragic loss, Rakesh Pal, the Director General of the Indian Coast Guard, passed away due to a severe cardiac arrest on Sunday in Chennai. Sources reported that he experienced chest pain at INS Adyar while discussing preparations for Defense Minister Rajnath Singh’s visit to Chennai. He was taken to the Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital (RGGGH) around 2:30 PM, but unfortunately, he did not respond to the treatment and passed away around 7 PM. Defense Minister Rajnath Singh paid his last respects at the hospital.
Deeply saddened at the untimely demise of Shri Rakesh Pal, DG, Indian Coast Guard in Chennai today. He was an able and committed officer under whose leadership ICG was making big strides in strengthening India’s maritime security. My heartfelt condolences to his bereaved family.
— Rajnath Singh (@rajnathsingh) August 18, 2024
“Deeply saddened at the untimely demise of Shri Rakesh Pal, DG, Indian Coast Guard in Chennai today. He was an able and committed officer under whose leadership ICG was making big strides in strengthening India’s maritime security. My heartfelt condolences to his bereaved family,” Rajnath Singh said in a post on X.
In a condolence message, Defence Secretary Giridhar Aramane said he was an able and committed officer under whose leadership ICG was making huge strides in strengthening India’s maritime security.
“We are deeply saddened at the untimely demise of Shri Rakesh Pal, DG, ICG in Chennai today. He was an able and committed officer under whose leadership #ICG was making huge strides in strengthening India’s maritime security. Our prayers are with the family members.
We pray for…— A. Bharat Bhushan Babu (@SpokespersonMoD) August 18, 2024
DG Rakesh Pal was appointed the 25th Director General of the Indian Coast Guard (ICG) in July last year. An alumnus of the Indian Naval Academy, Rakesh Pal joined the Indian Coast Guard in January 1989. In his career spanning over 35 years, the flag officer has held several key appointments, including Commander of Coast Guard Region (North West) in Gandhinagar, Deputy Director General (Policy & Plans), and Additional Director General Coast Guard at Coast Guard Headquarters in New Delhi.
Rajnath Singh inaugurates new ICG Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre
Earlier, Rajnath Singh inaugurated the newly-constructed state-of-the-art Indian Coast Guard (ICG) Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre building in Chennai. He also virtually launched the Regional Marine Pollution Response Centre, located at the Chennai Port premises, and the Coast Guard Air Enclave in Puducherry. The buildings have been established to ensure robust maritime security and provide efficient responses to emergencies, reinforcing the country’s commitment to maritime safety and environmental protection.
As a major boost to maritime safety, pollution response & aerial security along the coast, Raksha Mantri Shri @rajnathsingh today inaugurated @IndiaCoastGuard’s new Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre in Chennai.
— A. Bharat Bhushan Babu (@SpokespersonMoD) August 18, 2024
According to the Defence Ministry, the state-of-the-art facility aims to significantly enhance the coordination and effectiveness of maritime rescue operations for mariners and fishermen in distress at sea. It underscores the Government’s resolve to protect lives and ensure a swift response in critical situations. The Centre is installed with latest equipment for distress monitoring through terrestrial and satellite systems and equipped with advanced communication systems for real-time management of alerts by highly-trained personnel of ICG specialising in Search and Rescue procedures, with the rescue aircraft, ships and other facilities.
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