RADM Shrikhande graduated from the NDA in June 1979. His qualifications include Masters with Distinction from the Soviet Naval War College, (1985-88) in ASW and Weapon Engineering; Msc From Staff College(1995); MPhil from the Indian Naval War College and Highest Distinction from the US Naval War College( 2003). He has served long years at sea, including as XO of INS Delhi, and in command of three ships. He was defence attaché in Australia and to some South Pacific nations.
He has been Commander War Room/ NHQ, Director IN Tactical Evaluation Group and member of the IN’s Strategy and Operations Council. In flag rank he has been head of Naval Intelligence; Chief of Staff of SNC; Joint HQ staff duties and in the nuclear forces command and retired in 2016 as Flag Officer Doctrines and Concepts. He continues teaching at several institutions including the NDC, all War colleges and the CDM as well as the NDA and INA spanning strategy, operational art, RMA, Peloponnesian War, Arthashastra, geopolitics, maritime history, leadership and ethics. He has participated in Track 2 discussions and been associated with the VIF, ORF, Takshashila, the NSCS as well as other institutions. He is an adjunct professor at the Naval War College, Goa and with Takshashila. He is the editor-in-chief of the Indian Naval Despatch.
He has presented papers in several Indian and international conferences and is pursuing his PHD in sea-based nuclear deterrence. He writes for some Indian and foreign portals and journals. He lives in Goa and helps in honorary capacities with the State ESM welfare committees and until recently with the Navy Foundation.