About the author

Nitin A. Gokhale

Author, thought leader and one of South Asia's leading strategic analysts, Nitin A.

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  1. Hanuwant Rao Chadokar

    As far as, I am agree with the issue of enhancing pensions of JCOs and OR from 55 to 75 % of their last pay drawn involving their age factor with their civil counterpart. However, there is no need to restructure the ranks of officers rather than making it well equipped and modernised in consonance with JCOs and OR. The rank structure of the officers in the Army should be quo in status. However, if the responsibilities and status of the JCOs improve in the Army, there will be a drastic step to strengthen the Indian Army. Selection of JCOs must be revised. Where there is a need to appoint an officer upto the rank of Captain, a sophisticated and efficient combetant as JCO can be devolved the responsibilities. A serving person having practical knowledge in field and have some OLQ (Officers Like Quality) only be selected as JCO. JCOs promotion cadre of such combetants should be conducted centrally at IMA Dehradun and OTA Chennai categorised in Arms and Services. Subsequently, revision of Pay and allowances should also be carried out to enhance their status which would be a great inspirations to OR to join the Army and achieve this rank during their service career. Making JCO by ascertaining physical tests and length of service of OR can formally fulfill the strength of a contingent only. Due to this, it is observed that pay and allowances of the JCOs have been highly ignored in the 7th pay commission, resulting in, most of JCOs and OR are drawing pay and allowances in equity to each other. Due to this, OR started seeking premature discharge as early as possible as they have no future career. Althought, it might have the proposal of high officials of the forces that somehow the JCOs category should be vanished gradually from the Indian Army thus OR should serve upto their young stage. Since our Army is known for her discipline and bravery for over a period,there is a need to formulate the rank structure of only JCOs and OR.

  2. Ranjeet Chandi

    Have no comments for weird, hare-brained schemes, which work against the high-values & traditions of the hallowed institution of the Army; built over centuries and eventually against the defence & security of our nation!
    Better abolish rank of General & Post of Army Chief!


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