Naval Air: India Falls Farther Behind China
China and India have both decided to expand their navies by building their own aircraft carriers. Both nations began by refurbishing Russian carriers before designing and building their own.... Read more
Is the Indian Army doing away with Brigadiers?
The Indian Army has undertaken a comprehensive time-bound set of four different studies to achieve (a) An agile structure for field formations, (b) A responsive mechanism at the army headqua... Read more
As the Trade War Worsens, the Trade Deficit Increases
The trade war that the U.S. has unleashed on China continues to ratchet up. The next round of 25-percent tariffs on $16 billion of imports from China will go into effect Aug. 23. China is co... Read more
Employment of Ultra Light Howitzers in the Indian Environment
Editor’s Note The Indian Army has got its first imported gun after the Bofors scandal three decades back. India has contracted for 145 of 155mm M777 Ultra Light Howitzers manufactured by BAE... Read more
The Start of New Rules for Autonomous Weapons
In the near future, engineers are going to have to figure out ways to prevent robots from killing. This is part of the broader work on the edges of lethal autonomous weapons systems, a propo... Read more
Indian National Security Strategy Crystallising at a Fast Pace
India’s freshly-minted National Security Strategy (NSS) document is currently under review and is likely to be adopted in coming weeks, informed sources have told. The review, undertaken at... Read more
The head of Strategic Command has outlined a vision for the future to better integrate war-fighting functions and capabilities to keep pace with adversaries in an increasingly dynamic enviro... Read more
Cybersecurity is Failing Us – and Will Continue to do so Unless We Act
IT WAS an innocent mistake, with huge consequences. Robin Seggelmann was a programmer working on OpenSSL, a software library used to make secure connections over the internet. In 2014, it em... Read more
Soviet Collapse Echoes in China’s Belt and Road
What causes empires to fall? According to one influential view, it’s ultimately a question of investment. Great powers are the nations that best harness their economic potential to build up... Read more
Why The Korean Peninsula Matters for India
The Korean Peninsula borders China with proximity to Russia and Japan serving as an important balancer in Indo-Pacific. Developments here provide an opportunity for regional realignment and... Read more