Indian Coast Guard Arranges A Super-Specialist Medical Care At Lakshadweep


Indian Armed Forces and para-military forces organizing medical camps is nothing new, however, when it’s organized at far away Lakshadweep, it turns heads. Further, when a premier institute like the AIMAS provides the medical support, it certainly is a fulfilling experience for the beneficiaries. 

Indian Coast Guard (ICG) in collaboration with AIIMS New Delhi and support of the Union Territory (UT) administration conducted a  medical camp from 29th to 30th April, 2024 in the remote islands Kavaratti and Androth of UT Lakshadweep. The camp engaged approximately 1,500 citizens at each island and provided free of cost medicines along with expert consultation.

Dr M Srinivas, Director, AIIMS, Delhi headed the medical team which comprised of 15 specialist doctors from fields of Gynecology, Pediatrics, Neurology, Dermatology, Orthopedic and more.The medical camp focused on providing super-specialist medical coverage in the far-flung islands and help the local people through consultation with domain experts. They also delivered basic life support (BLS) lectures to local medical professionals to enhance the standards of available medical infrastructure.

The camp was inaugurated by Dr M Srinivas in the presence of Inspector General Bhisham Sharma, Commander Coast Guard Region (West), Surgeon Commodore Diviya Gautam, VSM, Principal Director (Medical Services), CGHQ and Shri Avanish Kumar, IAS, Health Secretary, UT administration.

Team Bharatshakti

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