Why is it that some portions on the northern bank of Pangong lake often see Indian and Chinese troops coming face to face? It has to do with differing perceptions of both the troops with regard to the Line of Actual Control (LAC), says Col. S Dinny (retd), who has served as the commanding officer of Pangong Tso battalion. Terrain-wise, the northern bank juts out like a hand, the protrusions akin to fingers. There are eight fingers in all (F1-F8). The maximum standoffs take place between F4 and F8. India believes the LAC passes through F8, so it keeps patrolling the stretch up to that. The Chinese feel the line passes through F4. Both sides patrol the stretch between F4 and F8 and 90 per cent of the patrols go incident-free, thanks to the leadership of the company commanders posted on the ground who drum it into their troops that any action here could have larger strategic implications. In this exclusive interview with StratNews Global Editor-in-Chief Nitin A. Gokhale, Col. Dinny rubbishes reports of huge deployment of Chinese troops in the area, saying the terrain doesn’t afford anyone that luxury—imagine, a one-file formation precariously trudging a ledge! Read More…
Indian always want gains from others. it is their nature