Commander Subhasish Sarangi Articles 2
Commander Subhasish Sarangi is a Research Fellow at the United Service Institution of India (USI), New Delhi. He has served onboard frontline naval warships, Naval Dockyard (Mumbai) and WESEE, New Delhi. He has post graduate degrees in Signal Processing and International Relations. His areas of study include international relations, maritime security and cyber security.
He can be reached at:
Forgotten in History’s Labyrinths: The Major Who Won us Tawang
Editor’s Note Major Bob Khathing commanded a small force of the Indian Army and established India’s sovereignty over Tawang in 1951. Seventy-two-years after independence, it seems we have fo... Read more
India’s Engagement with the ‘Breakout’ Nation
Introduction As India seeks to augment its eastern engagement as part of its ‘Act East’ policy, Indonesia is a natural ally to be sought for the cause by virtue of its geographical location,... Read more