Trump has said he would make the autonomous territory of Denmark a part of the United States, and has not ruled out using military or economic power to persuade Denmark to hand it over. Read more
डेनमार्कने सोमवारी जाहीर केले, की ते आर्क्टिकमधील त्यांच्या लष्करी उपस्थितीला बळकट करण्यासाठी, १४.६ बिलियन डॅनिश क्राउन (२.०५ बिलियन डॉलर्स) खर्च करणार आहेत. अमेरिकेचे अध्यक्ष डोनाल्ड ट्रम्प... Read more
Denmark stated on Monday that it would spend 14.6 billion Danish crowns ($2.05 billion) to boost its military presence in the Arctic, following renewed interest by U.S. President Donald Trum... Read more
Robert Brieger, the top military official of the European Union, stated in an interview with Germany’s Welt am Sonntag that it would be sensible to station troops from EU countries in... Read more