Indian Navy Participates in World’s Largest Maritime Exercise RIMPAC

RIMPAC 2024, INS Shivalik
INS Shivalik participates in RIMPAC 2024

The Indian Navy has joined the world’s largest naval military wargame, the Rim of the Pacific Exercise (RIMPAC) 2024, in Hawaii. The Indian Navy has deployed frontline warship INS Shivalik for the exercise. The Rim of the Pacific Exercise (RIMPAC) does not single out any particular nation but is aimed at deterring invasions and maintaining peace and security in the Indo-Pacific region, a top US Commander said at the launch of the multinational naval drills on Thursday. However, the Chinese Navy was not invited to this year’s exercises due to Beijing’s “reluctance to adhere to international rules or norms and standards,” said Vice Admiral John Wade, Commander of the US 3rd Fleet. Wade is also serving as the RIMPAC 2024 Combined Task Force (CTF) Commander.

RIMPAC, which began in 1971 and is held every two years, is the world’s largest international maritime exercise. This year, it involves 29 nations, which have collectively deployed 40 warships, three submarines, 150 aircraft, 14 land-based armies, and 25,000 personnel, the US Navy said in a news release.

Indian multi-role stealth frigate INS Shivalik, which was deployed in the South China Sea and North Pacific Ocean, has reached Pearl Harbour in Hawaii to take part in the Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) exercise. INS Shivalik sailed into Pearl Harbour on Thursday after completing JIMEX 24, a bilateral exercise between India and Japan.

“Indian multi-role stealth frigate INS Shivalik, mission deployed in the South China Sea and North Pacific Ocean, has reached Pearl Harbour in Hawaii to take part in the RIMPAC exercise,” Indian Navy Spokesperson Commander Vivek Madhwal said on Saturday. INS Shivalik is an indigenously designed and built 6000 tons guided missile stealth frigate.

RIMPAC 2024, INS Shivalik, Indian Navy
INS Shivalik

The harbour phase of the exercise is taking place from June 27 to July 7. The sea phase of RIMPAC is a comprehensive operation divided into three sub-phases. These sub-phases will witness ships undertaking various exercises, from tactical manoeuvres to humanitarian assistance and disaster relief operations. This detailed breakdown provides a deeper understanding of the complexity and scope of the exercise. The exercise will witness the participation of an aircraft carrier battle group, submarines, maritime reconnaissance aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles, remotely piloted surface ships, and amphibious force landing operations. The event will conclude with a theatre-level large force tactical exercise, Indian Navy Spokesperson said.

The theme of RIMPAC 2024 is “Partners: Integrated and Prepared.” “INS Shivalik’s participation in RIMPAC-24, 9000 Nautical Miles away from the Indian coast, stands testimony to the Indian Navy’s capability to operate in any part of the world,” Commander Madhwal said.

RIMPAC-24, spanning over six weeks of intense operations and training, will run till August 1.

Team BharatShakti


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